Exam Code: VIM
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complete your certification, get a completion certificate & achieve faster
career growth. EXAMROADMAP provides 100% valid Vendor Invoice Management
(VIM) exam questions and answers which can help you to pass your
certification exam in First Attempt without any worries. These questions and
answers same as actual Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) Certification Exam are
prepared by our team of experienced SAP certified consultants and domain
experts. We have carefully maintained exam structure, syllabus, topic weights,
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SAP Certification practice exams contain practical case study-based questions
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Topic Areas:
The topic areas that are typically
covered in vendor invoice management include:
Invoice receipt and handling: This
includes the process of receiving invoices from vendors, managing the physical
or digital storage of invoices, and maintaining accurate records of invoice
Invoice verification and approval: This involves the process of verifying the accuracy and completeness of the invoice, ensuring that the invoice is authorized for payment by the appropriate individuals or departments, and obtaining any necessary approvals before processing the payment.Â
Purchase order matching: This step
involves comparing the details of the invoice to the corresponding purchase
order to ensure that the goods or services have been received as per the order.
Payment processing: This
includes the process of entering invoice details into the accounting system,
scheduling the payment, and sending the payment to the vendor.
Payment reconciliation: This
involves the process of reconciling payments with invoices to ensure that all
payments are made accurately and on time, and to identify any discrepancies
that need to be resolved.
Vendor management: This
includes maintaining accurate records of vendor information, tracking vendor
performance, and ensuring that vendors are paid on time to maintain good
Reporting and analysis: This
involves generating reports on invoice processing metrics, identifying areas
for process improvement, and analyzing invoice data to identify trends and
opportunities for cost savings.
Overall, effective vendor invoice
management requires attention to detail, efficient processes, and strong communication
and collaboration between different departments. and stakeholders
“Pass rate for this exam is 75%, that means you should answer 30 questions correctly out of 40. Please note we provide you total 40 Questions & Answers with Pictures for your perusalâ€.
EXAMROADMAPÂ will improve your speed, skill and confidence. TWO out of 3 Recruiters prefer Certified Candidates, get certified, increase Chances of Getting Hired.
More Details:
.VIM (Vendor Invoice Management ) :
       VIM is nothing but management of invoices of vendors. To overcome all the drawbacks (mentioned below) automated process is developed which is VIM.
 Existing Process for processing / Posting invoices is as follows :
Drawbacks in (above mentioned) existing process are as follows:
Working of VIM :
This is process of Early archiving that is first invoice comes, scanned and stored it in  archiving server and then DP number gets generated. VIM uses early archiving process.
And Late archiving once invoice comes to Archive Server it parallelly starts creating DP number for that document.
Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) Practice Exam Samples. - Full
Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) Practice Exam Samples. - Mini