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SAFe Practice Consultant SPC (6.0)

Exam Code: SPC

Hand picks the right course and complete your certification, get a completion certificate & achieve faster career growth. EXAMROADMAP provides 100% valid Scrum SAFe Practice Consultant SPC (6.0) exam questions and answers which can help you to pass your certification exam in First Attempt without any worries. These questions and answers same as actual Scrum SAFe Practice Consultant SPC (6.0). Certification Exam are prepared by our team of experienced Scrum SAFe 5 Program Consultants (SPC) certified consultants and domain experts. We have carefully maintained exam structure, syllabus, topic weights, cut score and time duration same as actual Scrum SAFe 5 Program Consultants (SPC) Certification Exam. Our online Scrum SAFe 5 Program Consultants (SPC) Certification practice exams contain practical case study-based questions and answers. We have prepared question bank for this practice exam with the help of experts' domain knowledge and collective feedback received from recently certified candidates and updated on regular intervals.

Topic Areas:

Thriving in the digital age with business agility (7%)

·        Recognize the Problem to be Solved

·        Describe SAFe as an Operating system for Business Agility

·        Explain the Seven Core Competencies for Achieving Business Agility

Becoming a Lean-Agile leader (15%)

·        Embrace the Lean-Agile Mindset

·        Apply Lean and Agile at Scale with the SAFe Principles

Establishing team and technical agility (3%)

·        Form cross-functional Agile teams

·        Build Quality in

·        Organize Agile Release Trains around the flow of value

Building solutions with Agile product delivery (13%)

·        Focus on Customer Centricity with Design Thinking

·        Prioritize the Program Backlog

·        Experience PI Planning

·        Develop on Cadence; Release on Demand

·        Build a Continuous Delivery Pipeline with DevOps

Exploring Lean Portfolio Management (2%)

·        Define a SAFe Portfolio

·        Connect the Portfolio to Enterprise Strategy

·        Maintain the Portfolio Vision

·        Establish Portfolio Flow

·        Fund Value Streams

Leading the change (3%)

·        Lead by Example

·        Lead the Change

Reaching the SAFe tipping point (8%)

·        Establish the Vision for Change

·        Build a Powerful Guiding Coalition

·        Designing the implementation (12%)

·        Identify Value Streams and Agile Release Trains

·        Create the Implementation Plan

Launching the ART (10%)

·        Prepare the ART Launch

·        Train Teams and Launch the ART

·        Coaching ART execution (13%)

·        Coach the Train and the Teams

·        Continuously Improve Program Performance with Inspect and Adapt

Extending to the portfolio (5%)

·        Launch More Agile Release Trains and Value Streams

·        Extend to the Portfolio

·        Establish Agile Portfolio Operations

·        Establish Lean Governance

Accelerating to business agility (8%)

·        Establish Organizational Agility

·        Build a Continuous Learning Culture

·        Accelerate to Business Agility     

“Pass rate for this exam is 75%, that means you should answer 45 questions correctly out of 60 multiple choice and multiple select questions. Please note we provide you total 119 Questions & Answers with Pictures for your perusal”. The exam question type can vary from multiple choice to sequences and drag and drop options. Also, you will be required to look at a customer case study and answer with advice based on the scenario.

Allocated Time – 120 mins.

EXAMROADMAP will improve your speed, skill and confidence. TWO out of 3 Recruiters prefer Certified Candidates, get certified, increase Chances of Getting Hired.

$ 49

₹ 4116

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SAFe Practice Consultant SPC (6.0) - Full

  • Question: 119
  • Time limit: 180 minutes

SAFe Practice Consultant SPC (6.0) - Mini

  • Question: 59
  • Time limit: 90 minutes