Exam Code: 1Z0-1035-22
Hand picks the right course and complete your certification, get a completion certificate & achieve faster career growth. EXAMROADMAP provides 100% valid Oracle Intelligent Advisor 2022 Implementation Professional(1Z0-1035-22) exam questions and answers which can help you to pass your certification exam in First Attempt without any worries. These questions and answers same as actual Oracle Intelligent Advisor 2022 Implementation Professional(1Z0-1035-22). Certification Exam are prepared by our team of experienced Oracle Intelligent Advisor 2022 Implementation Professional certified consultants and domain experts. We have carefully maintained exam structure, syllabus, topic weights, cut score and time duration same as actual Oracle Intelligent Advisor 2022 Implementation Professional Certification Exam. Our online Oracle Intelligent Advisor 2022 Implementation Professional Certification practice exams contain practical case study-based questions and answers. We have prepared question bank for this practice exam with the help of experts' domain knowledge and collective feedback received from recently certified candidates and updated on regular intervals.
Topic Areas:
Getting Started with Rules/User Interface in Intelligent Advisor (IA)
·        Describe a Policy Modeling Project and main Intelligent Advisor components
·        Describe options for running and testing a policy model
Attributes and Attribute Text
·        Define variable attributes and use them in logical comparisons
·        Demonstrate the appropriate use of value lists in attributes
·        Construct Boolean and non-Boolean attributes from difficult source material
·        Define appropriate attribute phrasing and understand reparsing scenarios Â
Writing Rules and negations
·        Identify the various components of a rule and verify how rules link together
·        Identify the appropriate styles to use when writing rules
·        Validate and check rules
·        Explain how to avoid using multiple conclusions
Conclusions and Conditions
·        Identify conclusions and conditions in source material
·        Use tables for Rules using Word and Excel understanding which to use
·        Analyze networks of rules, including attribute levels
Grouping Operators and Intermediate Attributes
·        Explain the correct uses of AND and OR in the same rule, using a grouping operator
·        Write more complex rules in Microsoft Word using grouping words or phrases
Comparisons and calculations in rules
·        Compare one attribute to another attribute as a condition of a rule
·        Use functions in the rule conclusion
·        Use complex expressions to perform calculations in a rule
Entities and Relationships
·        Explain entities, entity-level attributes and entity relationships
When to use Entities and Reasoning with Entities
·        Model entity rules from source material
·        Identify reasoning from one entity to another
·        Create rules that use relationships/infer entities
·        Use built-in entity functions in rules
Testing Rules
·        Create and save basic test cases
·        Test entities/relationships and interviews in the debugger
Creating Interviews
·        Create a basic interview
·        Control the interactions on and between screens
·        Create interview screens that collect entity instances and entity-level data
Enhancing Interviews
·        Explain the purpose and use of goals and checkpoints in an interview
·        Use controls for creating Interview screens including conditional logic
·        Describe how Policy models can be used in other languages (limitations, coverage, etc.)
Data Validation
·        Prevent or warn a user from entering invalid data or combinations of data based on inferred logic
Explanations, Audit Reports and Forms
·        Differentiate explanations and audit reports, and where they should be used
Intelligent Advisor Hub Deployments, Users, and Security
·        Administer users, deployments and projects on the Intelligent Advisor Hub
·        Deploy and update projects on the Hub from the Policy Modeler
Data Mapping, Integration, Connector Framework and mobile
·        Set up data mappings for a B2C Service interview (input/output)
·        Automate decisions with a web service
·        Explain the features of Intelligent Advisor mobile applications and related APIs
Embedding an Interview in Customer Portal, Agent Desktop and Chat
·        Embed an interview in Customer Portal, Agent Desktop and BUI, and Chat
·        Understand collaboration features and viewing/rollback of changes on team projects.
““Pass rate for this exam is 68%, that means you should answer 40 questions correctly out of 58 multiple choice and multiple select questions. Please note we provide you total 50 Questions & Answers with Pictures for your perusalâ€. The exam question type can vary from multiple choice to sequences and drag and drop options. Also, you will be required to look at a customer case study and answer with advice based on the scenario.
Allocated Time – 90 mins.
EXAMROADMAPÂ will improve your speed, skill and confidence. TWO out of 3 Recruiters prefer Certified Candidates, get certified, increase Chances of Getting Hired.
Oracle Intelligent Advisor 2022 Implementation Professional (1Z0-1035-22) - Full
Oracle Intelligent Advisor 2022 Implementation Professional (1Z0-1035-22) - Mini