Exam Code: BDS-C00
Hand picks the right course and complete your certification, get a completion certificate & achieve faster career growth. EXAMROADMAP provides 100% valid AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty (BDS-C00) exam questions and answers which can help you to pass your certification exam in First Attempt without any worries. These questions and answers same as actual AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty (BDS-C00) Certification Exam are prepared by our team of experienced AWS certified consultants and domain experts. We have carefully maintained exam structure, syllabus, topic weights, cut score and time duration same as actual AWS Certification Exam. Our online AWS Certification practice exams contain practical case study-based questions and answers. We have prepared question bank for this practice exam with the help of experts' domain knowledge and collective feedback received from recently certified candidates and updated on regular intervals.
The exam also validates a candidate’s ability to complete the following tasks:
? Implement core AWS big data services according to basic architectural best practices.
? Design and maintain big data.
? Leverage tools to automate data analysis
Recommended AWS knowledge:
? A minimum of 2 years of experience using AWS technology
? AWS security best practices
? Independently define AWS architecture and services and understand how they integrate with each other.
? Define and architect AWS big data services and explain how they fit in the data lifecycle of collection,
ingestion, storage, processing, and visualization.
Topic Areas:
Domain 1: Collection
1.1 Determine the operational characteristics of the collection system
1.2 Select a collection system that handles the frequency of data change and type of data being ingested
1.3 Identify the properties that need to be enforced by the collection system: order, data structure,
metadata, etc.
1.4 Explain the durability and availability characteristics for the collection approach
Domain 2: Storage
2.1 Determine and optimize the operational characteristics of the storage solution
2.2 Determine data access and retrieval patterns
2.3 Evaluate mechanisms for capture, update, and retrieval of catalog entries
2.4 Determine appropriate data structure and storage format
Domain 3: Processing
3.1 Identify the appropriate data processing technology for a given scenario
3.2 Determine how to design and architect the data processing solution
3.3 Determine the operational characteristics of the solution implemented
Domain 4: Analysis
4.1 Determine the tools and techniques required for analysis
4.2 Determine how to design and architect the analytical solution
4.3 Determine and optimize the operational characteristics of the Analysis
Domain 5: Visualization
5.1 Determine the appropriate techniques for delivering the results/output
5.2 Determine how to design and create the Visualization platform
5.3 Determine and optimize the operational characteristics of the Visualization system
Domain 6: Data Security
6.1 Determine encryption requirements and/or implementation technologies
6.2 Choose the appropriate technology to enforce data governance
6.3 Identify how to ensure data integrity
6.4 Evaluate regulatory requirement
“Pass rate for this exam is 72%, that means you should answer 40 questions correctly out of 55. Please note we provide you total 264 Questions & Answers with Pictures for your perusalâ€.
EXAMROADMAP will improve your speed, skill and confidence. TWO out of 3 Recruiters prefer Certified Candidates, get certified, increase Chances of Getting Hired.
AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty (BDS-C00) - Full
AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty (BDS-C00) - Mini