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Professional-Data-Engineer (GCP Data Engineer)

Exam Code: GCP Data Engineer

Professional Data Engineers enable data-driven decision making by collecting, transforming, and publishing data. A Data Engineer should be able to design, build, operationalize, secure, and monitor data processing systems with a particular emphasis on security and compliance; scalability and efficiency; reliability and fidelity; and flexibility and portability. A Data Engineer should also be able to leverage, deploy, and continuously train pre-existing machine learning models.

The Professional Data Engineer exam assesses your ability to:

·        Design data processing systems

·        Operationalize machine learning models

·        Ensure solution quality

·        Build and operationalize data processing systems

Section 1. Designing data processing systems

1.1 Selecting the appropriate storage technologies. Considerations include:    

1.2 Designing data pipelines. Considerations include:   

1.3 Designing a data processing solution. Considerations include:

1.4 Migrating data warehousing and data processing. Considerations include:   

Section 2. Building and operationalizing data processing systems

2.1 Building and operationalizing storage systems. Considerations include:

2.2 Building and operationalizing pipelines. Considerations include:   

2.3 Building and operationalizing processing infrastructure. Considerations include:   

Section 3. Operationalizing machine learning models

3.1 Leveraging pre-built ML models as a service. Considerations include:

3.2 Deploying an ML pipeline. Considerations include:

3.3 Choosing the appropriate training and serving infrastructure. Considerations include:

3.4 Measuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting machine learning models. Considerations include:

Section4. Ensuring solution quality

4.1 Designing for security and compliance. Considerations include:

4.2 Ensuring scalability and efficiency. Considerations include:

4.3 Ensuring reliability and fidelity. Considerations include:

4.4 Ensuring flexibility and portability. Considerations include:

“Pass rate for this exam is 80%, that means you should answer 40 questions correctly out of 50. Please note we provide you total 269 Questions & Answers for your perusal”.

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Professional-Data-Engineer (GCP Data Engineer) - Full

  • Question: 269
  • Time limit: 120 minutes

Professional-Data-Engineer (GCP Data Engineer) - Mini

  • Question: 134
  • Time limit: 60 minutes