Exam Code: DAS-C01
Hand pick the right course and complete your certification, get a completion certificate & achieve faster career growth. EXAMROADMAP provides 100% valid AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty (DAS-C01) exam questions and answers which can help you to pass your certification exam in First Attempt without any worries. These questions and answers same as actual AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty (DAS-C01) Certification Exam are prepared by our team of experienced SAP certified consultants and domain experts. We have carefully maintained exam structure, syllabus, topic weights, cut score and time duration same as actual SAP Certification Exam. Our online SAP Certification practice exams contain practical case study-based questions and answers. We have prepared question bank for this practice exam with the help of experts' domain knowledge and collective feedback received from recently certified candidates and updated on regular intervals.
Content Outline: This exam guide includes weightings, test domains, and objectives only. It is not a comprehensive listing of the content on this examination. The table below lists the main content domains and their weightings. Domain % of Examination
Domain 1: Collection 18%
Domain 2: Storage and Data Management 22%
Domain 3: Processing 24%
Domain 4: Analysis and Visualization 18%
Domain 5: Security 18%
Domain 1: Collection 1.1 Determine the operational characteristics of the collection system 1.2 Select a collection system that handles the frequency, volume, and source of data 1.3 Select a collection system that addresses the key properties of data, such as order, format, and compression
Domain 2: Storage and Data Management 2.1 Determine the operational characteristics of a storage solution for analytics 2.2 Determine data access and retrieval patterns 2.3 Select an appropriate data layout, schema, structure, and format 2.4 Define a data lifecycle based on usage patterns and business requirements 2.5 Determine an appropriate system for cataloging data and managing metadata
Domain 3: Processing 3.1 Determine appropriate data processing solution requirements 3.2 Design a solution for transforming and preparing data for analysis 3.3 Automate and operationalize a data processing solution
Domain 4: Analysis and Visualization 4.1 Determine the operational characteristics of an analysis and visualization solution 4.2 Select the appropriate data analysis solution for a given scenario 4.3 Select the appropriate data visualization solution for a given scenario
Domain 5: Security 5.1 Select appropriate authentication and authorization mechanisms 5.2 Apply data protection and encryption techniques 5.3 Apply data governance and compliance controls.
“Pass rate for this exam is 75%, that means you should answer 49 questions correctly out of 65. Please note we provide you total 65 Questions & Answers for your perusalâ€.
AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty (DAS-C01) - Full
AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty (DAS-C01) - Mini